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Services for Employers
Let us help you find the right person for the job. Through our Workplace Training Program, our professional staff can help you select from a range of suitable candidates, provide coaching on the job site, and follow up to ensure job retention. Our services include job matching, screening and reference checking, profile creation, wage subsidy and job coaching.
Being Human Services, offers quality training and workshops to help your employees "be better." Staff Development Training can help your staff gain the skills and confidence they need to be successful, improve productivity, develop skills to increase job satisfaction and work life balance. You may be eligible for grants to pay for 2/3 of the cost of this training. Click here for more details. Customized training is also available for you and your business. Contact us for more details.

"Unity is strength...where there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."
Mattie Stepanek
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